The vision of the future of architecture as a living organism itself is most interesting. Through highly advanced genetic engineering a whole new doorway of possibilities opens up in terms of architecture. I imagine the possibility of being able to ultimately be able to speak DNA code as a primary language through a computer AI, allowing the potential of reading and writing DNA code as we like to rise to inconceivable heights.

A house could be a living tree or a mushroom, it can be designed such that as a seed it grows naturally out of the earth in a short period of time, maybe assisted along and sustained by a special diet used to optimize this process. The tree would then be fitted with a system interface that allows us to directly communicate biologically through DNA to the organism, so we can have a freedom in designing all of its elements and variables. The size, locations for openings, the internal temperature, the humidity, the shapes and colors, and much more. We will as a result of it being a living organism, be able to alter it in real-time through the interface allowing for infinite redesign capacity. Grandma coming over for a couple of weeks? Tell the tree to make a new room and just give it a few days.

Imagine the incredible level of functionality, the tree potentially has an immense capability to fulfill the basic needs which we naturally share as a life form ourselves. With so many millions of years of evolving to perfectly fit all these functions. Designing it as such that plumbing may no longer be necessary as the tree is able to naturally use as compost human excrement. Maybe the root system would allow a possibility of sucking and filtering water and certain things we also need such as salt for example and giving us access to some amount of that, even if it’s not all we use. The potency of a tree to regulate its own inner conditions, we will never need to worry about excessive heat or cold, as well as it would naturally be resistant to fire, as moist wood is very hard to burn relative to dry wood; which we have always been living within. Extraction of raw energy out of sunlight done by plants is so efficient, and maybe can be tapped into by writing or ‘speaking’ DNA into the AI smart tree we’re living in so that in the sunny season it will grow and span out its leaves and then be able to use this energy ourselves to power whatever we need. This energy would also naturally be easy to store as the organism naturally functions to reserve its own energy as well, a living metabolic battery if you will. A world where we have an AI speaking perfectly in DNA code to trees gives us access to freely alter any design.

The benefit to us in terms of reduction of labour time and workload (as the house would literally be growing itself!) toxicity to the environment of all the chemicals and logging and destruction to the habitat that results from the current building. The ‘smart tree’ would also be able through its root system to support the surrounding habitat or even a garden. And eventually, be compostable itself as it returns into the cycle of nature without the need for wreckage.

In all ways, the smart tree could truly become a best friend to us even if it doesn’t reach that far.


Images credit goes to UnusualPlaces